CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme

A list of training courses, summer schools, workshops, conferences has been compiled in the context of the CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme.



CREMLINplus Fellowship Programme (CREMLINplus FP) is an important element of the Horizon 2020 CREMLINplus project, initiated and fully funded by the project.

The main objectives of the CREMLINplus FP are:

  • contributing to capacity building within Russian research infrastructures (RU RIs) by enabling their managers and operators to take part in short training courses/workshops/conferences/schools/staff and knowledge exchange visits on management issues of research infrastructures in EU and Russia that are relevant to their professional interests and priorities of EU-Russia S&T cooperation,
  • contributing to sustainable development of the RU RIs by strengthening the skills and abilities, developing and advancing knowledge of their staff,
  • strengthening the relations between the European and Russian research infrastructures by building a sustainable network.

The main target groups of the CREMLINplus FP are the managers and operators of the 11 priority Russian RIs mentioned in the recommendation list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (LIST-11) and the 5 Russian megascience projects, as well the other Russian RIs.

CREMLINplus FP offers scholarships supporting the participation of employees of the Russian research infrastructures in the thematic and horizontal training courses/summer schools/workshops/staff and knowledge exchange visits dedicated to improving  skills and ways of managing research infrastructures in different thematic areas. These training initiatives cover topics specific for research infrastructures grouped in the 6 thematic domains according to the ESFRI classification, and also focus on cross-cutting themes relevant to all research infrastructures.

The CREMLInplus FP supports the participation of managers and operators of the Russian research infrastructures in any event from the LIST of the thematic and horizontal training courses/summer schools/workshops/staff and knowledge exchange visits, which meet the objectives of the CREMLINplus fellowship programme. This LIST has been developed by the WP9 team and is updated regularly. Scholarship applicants can also suggest other courses/initiatives outside the LIST by providing detailed information on organiser, content and how this training will enhance management skills.

Access to identified training activities /staff and knowledge exchange visits will be granted to the Russian research infrastructures staff via CREMLInplus FP calls for applications with several evaluation deadlines per year. The CREMLINplus scholarships cover all support costs: travel costs, accommodation, the training fee, visa and insurance.

Due to COVID-19 the start of the programme was postponed by some months,  it has undergone some adaptations and a series of changes has been implemented, including  adjusted deadlines.

A call for CREMLINplus fellowship applications will be announced immediately following the approval of the LIST by the WP9-Scientific Review Panel (SRP).

The LIST is available on the the website of the Russian National contact point for research infrastructures:

The operator of the Cremlinplus FP is the National University of Science and Technology MISIS (NUST MISIS), which is responsible for
1. broadly and comprehensively informing of the Russian research infrastructures on the available training courses/workshops/conferences/schools/staff and knowledge exchange visits on management issues of research infrastructures via different channels, including the channels of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the National Contact Point for research infrastructures
2. designing and implementing all procedures within the Cremlinplus FP calls.

Detailed information on the application process, key dates and required documentation is available here.

Contact information:
For any questions regarding the calls under CREMLINplus FP, feel free to contact the NCP for Research Infrastructures (contact person: Marine Melkonyan) e-mail: cremlinplus[at]; phone: +7 916 7079257